Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mid-America Clinic

This is another excellent opportunity to enhance your skills and train with people we dont normally train with, also the instructors here are top notch.  Information can be found below, also I have the information along with registration forms, also there is more information on the instructors below.

Sensei Vaughn
Sensei Oberschlake

Sensei Hassell coming to Pittsburgh!

There will be a clinic in Pittsburgh with Sensei Hassell, I have been to a couple of these and they are really good seminars, lots of good information contained within.  This is for anyone 10 years and older, please see me if you are interested I have more information and registration forms, you can also check the link below for more information.

Sensei Hassell Clinic

More about Sensei Hassell:

Randall G. Hassell is the Chief Instructor for the American Shotokan Karate Alliance (ASKA), Senior Editor of Tamashii Press, President of the American JKA Karate Association (AJKA), and a Founding Fellow of the International Karate Society (IKS).

Sensei Hassell began his study of the history and philosophy of martial arts in general (and karate-do in particular) while majoring in English Literature at Washington University in St. Louis. As a member of the Japan Karate Association (JKA), Sensei Hassell began karate training in 1960, becoming one of the first Americans to pioneer Shotokan karate and later introducing it to the St. Louis, Missouri area in 1961.
Sensei Hassell later left the JKA in 1984 in order to help form an American counterpart to the JKA, the American JKA Karate Association. On 1 September 2002, He was voted and became President of the AJKA.

In November 2000, Sensei Hassell received honors from many national, state, and local dignitaries in recognition of his 40 years of dedication to Shotokan karate.

As a teacher, Sensei Hassell is known for his concentration on practical application of the fundamental principles of karate and for the application of kata techniques and principles to self-defense and kumite.
In addition to teaching at the ASKA Headquarters Dojo and at various YMCAs and school districts in the St. Louis, Missouri metro area, Sensei Hassell oversees the instruction and administration of thousands of students nationwide in ASKA and AJKA affiliated clubs, and travels extensively, teaching, lecturing, and officiating.


The Kyu Exam and Clinics have been rescheduled for September 10th starting with the borwn/black clinics at 10:30AM, I have more information if you need it!

Friday, August 26, 2011


Due to Hurricane Irene affecting the East coast and in turn Philadelphia, the Kyu Test and Clinic have been postponed.  Stay Tuned for new dates and times!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Kyu Testing

Some white belts and even higher grades transitioning in between ranks may wonder in the days leading up to the examination, what is all on there? Do I know all that is needed for the exam?  Your instructor will make sure that you now everything leading up to the exam so have no worries there, but if there are things you are concerned about or can't remember from the classes going over the exam, the follwing link will provide you a guide to what may be on the test.  This is also helpful for practicing on your own and not just for the test for it covers all basics up to your belt level



Dont forget clinic and testing is August 27th

Brown/Black belt clinic 10:30AM
All Ranks Clinic 11:30AM
Testing 12:30PM

There will be an all ranks training/promotions on Monday August 29th at 6:30PM

For any and all other information please see your instructor.


Class for August 31st Wednesday has been moved to September 1st Thursday with the following class times:


Monday, August 8, 2011

Change to this Wednesday August 10th

Due to a conference that Apple Rehab has in the dojo, this Wednesday class has been moved to Thursday with the following times:

White-Purple 5:30-6:30
Brown-Black 6:30-7:30

Change in Date and Time for August 22nd

The class has been moved from August 22nd to August 23rd the times are as follows white-orange 5-6 and green-black 6-7